Wednesday, January 25, 2012

10 questions

thought i would share this great strategy for how to FOCUS on what's really important:

10 Questions That Create Success

i think i will post these at my desk, next to my new years' resolutions and my vision board :-)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

visions unfolding...

i thought i would report back on the vision-boarding session i hosted last saturday. it was so exciting to see everyone's individual vision take shape, and also to see how energized my galpals were at the process of creating something that held their unique view of what they wanted for their future.

izzy ponders her future

i also loved the discussions that took place as we spread out on the floor cutting, pasting, flipping thru magazines, searching for words and images that "spoke" to us... as we queried each other about our hopes and dreams, shared pics and offered suggestions, we also came to know each other in an intimate and supportive way. anyone walking into the room would not have realized that some of them had only met 2 hours prior!

here are some of the emails/comments/txts that i received after the event:

A: My board is hanging in my room and I feel peaceful every time I look at it!

N: had such an awesome time - it was sooo much fun! i showed it to my boyfriend - he wanted to know all about it

J1: such a relaxing way to begin the 1st weekend of 2012!

J2: I finished my vision board last night! I stayed up late to do it because I was excited about it! It came out quite differently than it was on Saturday...

the funny thing is that i never finished my own vision board -- it didn't feel quite "ready". writing this is making me want to work on it now - maybe i'll stay up late and finish mine tonite :-)

before the session was over we had already decided that this would be an annual event - it will be great to check back next january, see how the year unfolded for each of us and then begin the process again... wishing you a year of beautiful things unfolding....

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

new year... new dreams...

funny how difficult it is to begin a first post on a blog called "focus" :-) the idea for this blog has been swimming in my head for quite awhile now and what better day than my birthday to begin... i started off the day by pouring a cup of coffee, lighting some candles and hanging more Christmas lights (who says you have to take them *down* after the holiday?)... all things that give me the inspiration to FOCUS....

having a birthday in early january means that every year the ritual of renewing, recharging, and refocusing that we all seem to go through on new years' day is doubled for me b/c 2 days after i begin a new year on the calendar, i am also reminded to reflect on beginning a new year of my life. this year i have the amazing opportunity of being in transition - while it can feel a little unnerving at times, it is mostly exciting and invigorating to imagine what the possibilities are and how i might craft a new life for myself. but it can be difficult to sort it out...

one thing that is so important for me is to put my intentions "out there" in a concrete way. i often have thoughts swimming in my head but i don't feel settled or sure of them until i write them down, tell them to someone, or do something to cement them in my mind. last year i found a new way to do this ... "vision-boarding". as a counselor i have seen it used to great effect as a tool of expression as well as a way to focus intentions and get clear on what we want for our lives. it activates the creative side of the brain and brings inspiration to the process. it makes thinking about your life and the changes you want to see feel less like a chore (you know how looking at that to-do list saps your energy?) and more like a creative expression of the "real you" (think about how you feel when you create something beautiful - taking a photo, writing a poem, setting a beautiful table).

i started 2011 by vision-boarding with my inspirational friend louise, and so many of the things i envisioned for my life have come into being or are evolving now that this year i am hosting my own vision-boarding session to encourage others in my life to use this creative expression to help them bring what they desire into their lives. i have come to learn that you have to extend yourself to see changes in your life. verbalizing what you need/want/desire makes it real and helps it come true. and sharing it with others doubles the affirming energy....

and once its out there the universe will conspire in your favor - for example, yesterday i wrote out my new years' resolutions and through one phone call at the end of the day they began coming to frution. a friend asked if i would like to go with her to haiti (res #8 - travel, res #4 - be braver) to work with children in an orphanage her uncle runs (res #3 - find my niche in working with children, res #2 - deepen my faith and spiritual journey). how's that for prayers being answered?

so this year is about putting it out there... getting real with intentions and being braver. facing a new year and envisioning new things. dreaming new dreams and expecting them to come true.

its not about doing more, its about having FOCUS